Monday, May 3, 2010

The "White" Mamba?

Kobe Bryant may be known as the "Black Mamba" but his photo shoot for L.A. Times Magazine was anything but black. In fact, it was just plain weird. I can't think of any other way to describe it. He is wearing nothing but white pieces of clothing in every shot. What was he thinking? Does he really need to pose for a cover shoot during the middle of the playoffs? I'm not sure who decided all of these looks would be a good idea but it looks like something Lady Gaga would pick out for her boyfriend. The pictures are below.

  1. Kobe Zoolander
  2. Okay, is it just me or does this first shot look eerily like he is trying to do the "Blue Steel" pose from Zoolander? And who wears a headband under a top hat?? Oh yeah, I almost forgot about the bow-tie that blends into the entire outfit like it's a chameleon.

  3. Kobe "The Situation" Bryant
  4. This one looks like a hybrid between a burka and something someone from Jersey Shore would wear. That is the most ridiculous v-neck I have ever seen. To add insult to injury, the v-neck and hat/hood/drape/whatever the hell that is combo would set you back $1,265!!

  5. Kobe Mayweather
  6. This one just looks like a shot of a boxer before a fight. You know, when he comes out of the dressing room in his pre-fight attire. Maybe he was watching the Mayweather vs. Mosley fight this weekend and became inspired.

  7. Aladin Bryant/Prince Ali Ababwa
  8. I think he was trying to go for an Aladin type appearance in this one with that vest. Those shorts look like something Nadal would wear at the French Open.

  9. Cape Cod Kobe
  10. And finally, the last picture from the shoot. This is probably the most normal picture of them all except for the fact that he looks like he is trying to do the "Blue Steel" pose again.

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