Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is It Too Dramatic To Say Last Night Was Like Getting Our Balls Ripped Off?

I'll be the first to admit that I haven't really paid attention to the Sox this year. With the Celtics about to win banner #18 it's a little difficult to get into a team that can barely play .500 ball. But last night was different. The only way I can describe it was like a straight kick to the dick. Not the balls, not the groin, the dick. Not only did it take the air of our sails but it put us on our knees and made us writhe in pain. That's what a kick to the dick is. You don't come back from that. You'll always flinch when a something gets too close in a game. To battle from 5-0 and have a 9-7 lead in the ninth with Pap on the mound, it seemed almost too good. Like this was the turning point. Where the team found their soul. And then fake life ended and real life resumed and we realized we're just not that good this year. We're gonna be a 3rd place team all season, win about 85 games and live in mediocrity. And that fucking sucks.

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