Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Same King, New Place

So with the incredible bore the NBA playoffs have become this year, the biggest story in basketball is the pending free agency of Bron'bron. Before they got bounced by the now invincible Boston Celtics, I was quite positive Lebron would be returning to Cleveland. But after those performances? I simply feel he can't return, just don't see it happening. So, in my opinion, where will Bron end up? Well lets just say his PG next year will be a little bit better than lame ass Mo Williams.

Thats right, The King will be in the Windy city next year, playing along side one of the best PG's in the game right now. It's obvious Lebron is gonna go somewhere where he can get a max deal (sorry Washington) and that means either the Knicks, Nets, Heat, Bulls, Clippers, Kings, or Twolves. He'll be making a 5 year 95 million from any of those teams and a 6 year 125 million if he stays with the Cavs.

I'm picking the Bulls on a process of elimination, we'll start with the worst fits:
Twolves, Clippers, Kings: These teams simply don't work. Lebron says he wants to win and none of these teams even made a playoff birth last season. The Timberwolves are on my radar for a decent team in the future, but not any time soon. The Kings are a looking better with Tyreke running the point but are still a long way away from making a truly competitive team. And while the Clippers would be a lot of fun (Lebron and Kobe in the same city), they are a terrible franchise and Lebron would fit terribly with their best player (Baron Davis).

Its possible, but doubtful: The New Jersey Nets
The Nets are clearly on the up and coming. They have a great PG in Devon Harris, maybe the second best big man in the East with Brook Lopez (Dwight in first), and the number 3 pick in the draft. Oh, also have some ABSURDLY rich owner who probably wipes his ass with 100 dollar bills. Prokhorov still gives the Nets are great opportunity in the coming years, but unfortunately it won't be with Lebron.

Ok this might work: Miami Heat and New York Knicks
Theres a clear reason why the Miami Heat look appealing to Lebron: Dwayne Wade. One of the top 5 players in the league, DWade could easily be the piece to fit with Lebron to form a frightening dynasty. It also helps that he's in Miami. What 25 year old wouldn't want to live there? Unfortunately, I think Wade's style of play simply won't fit with Lebrons. Neither are great spot up shooters and both want the ball in their hands, making the plays. Both like to drive and kick, but neither are good enough shooters to be the "kick" part of the play.
The Knicks are a very interesting potential residence for Lebron. Lebron has openly said multiple times that he wants to be the first billionaire athlete and there is without a doubt no better place to do that than in New York. The Knicks have an incredibly storied past that no player wouldn't want to be a part of. If Lebron could bring the Knicks back to prominence and win a couple titles, there would be no dispute he would be the best player of all time.

The perfect fit: Chicago Bulls
Now before I get started I want to address what many people feel will be the main argument against the Bulls: Jordan's shadow. I respond to that by stating Jordan's time has come and gone. Yes, many still consider him the best player of all time, but our generation have come to accept the new era. And that new era is Lebron James. Now this is why I feel the Bulls will be such a good fit. Lebron wants to win and he wants to win now. But he also wants to win for a time to come. The Bulls are good, but most importantly, the Bulls are young. Their 2 young stars, Rose and Noah, are 21 and 25 respectively. That means both probably haven't even reached their prime yet. The Bulls have a head coach opening that a specific Jackson (Phil, if you didn't catch on) will probably be quite attracted to. If Lebron goes, I have a strong feeling Phil will go, which will give the possibility of one of the best dynasties of all time.

So thats that and in my eyes, Lebron will be a Bull next year. And I look forward to watching that team next year

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