Monday, May 10, 2010

Don't Wake Him If He's Sleeping

Though he may be 40 years old now, sometimes "The Kid" needs to sleep.Seattle Mariners star Ken Griffey Jr. missed a chance to enter an unspecified game last week as a pinch hitter because he was asleep in the clubhouse, according to a report from the Tacoma News Tribune. When pressed following the game as to why he had not used the left-handed slugger as a pinch hitter, Mariners manager Don Wakamatsu was evasive. But according to two unnamed younger Seattle players who are both fond of Griffey, the future Hall of Famer had fallen asleep."He was asleep in the clubhouse," one player told the Tribune. "He'd gone back about the fifth inning to get a jacket and didn't come back. I went back in about the seventh inning -- and he was in his chair, sound asleep."

Always been a big Griffey fan. Back in the day it was Nomar, Pedro and Griffey as my top 3. Like if he was on TV, I'd be watching that super sweet swing. I even had a poster of him on my wall and that's big because the only non-Boston athlete that gets that treatment is Michael Jeffrey Jordan. But it's clear the kid is finished. 40 years old, hitting .208 with 0 dingers. That's a pretty big factor when you're a DH(Ortz, pay attention). Both him and Papi are out the door by the end of May. You can quote me on that. I don't have an excuse for Griffey falling asleep in the clubhouse. I wish I did but I don't. I can't even get mad at him because I just get sad when I think about how incredible his career could have been if he was healthy for half of it. He mashed 630 homers on one wheel and he did it the right way. That's all I got. I miss 1998.

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