Sunday, May 16, 2010

It's Time To Catch Up On The Past Few Days

I go away for 2 days and does Scott step up and pull his weight? No. He think it's vacation week here or something. The bottom line is if Rondo doesn't take any plays off, neither do we.

-Lebron is gone. Gone. Adios. As in he will never play another basketball game for the city of Cleveland in his life. The Celtics exposed the Cavs and made them show their true colors. All year the media wanted to crown their ass and now I'm saying this, "If you wanna crown 'em, then crown their ass but they are who we thought they were." Just a bunch of clowns. Jamison is the kind of guy that gives you 44 minutes of great basketball but he's across the street for the last 4, hiding in the bushes. Mo Williams doesn't even go to the gym for the big games and you can't win titles with guys like them. Lebron knows this, I know this, you know this, my cat knows this. I'd love Lebron in a Bulls uni but I think he wants blaze his own trail in a city where there isn't a statue of MJ outside the arena.
-Boston beating Cleveland in the playoffs totally makes up for the Bruins blowing a 3-0 series lead and then a 3-0 goal lead in game 7. Like I don't even care. All I'm thinking about is how we're gonna make Vince Carter look like the fraud that he is on national television for 2 weeks straight.

-Our WBL team is tentatively named "Night Moves" or "Spill The Wine."

-Big Papi is heating up. 2 words. Laser show. Relax.

-Does anybody still watch The Hills? Spencer Pratt has lot his mind and Kristin is a coke whore. It's actually become pretty entertaining television. If there's one thing I've learned about America, it's that we love watching the downward spiral of a lunatic and a drug addict simply for the fact that we can stop and say, "I was there!" when they inevitably die or go to prison.

-LT is claiming he didn't rape the 16 year old girl, just jerked it in front of her then paid her $300. So maybe he didn't do it. I don't know. He should still be punished for being a fucking moron. You're in a hotel room, bro. It's called order up some porn and save yourself a rape trial.

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