Sunday, May 30, 2010

US Soccer Teams Sneaks Away To South Africa

STERLING, Va. -- They don't make road trips like this anymore. It starts in summer and ends in winter, could last up to six weeks and, by the way, the whole world will be watching. There was plenty to think about Sunday as the U.S. team arrived at Dulles International Airport for the 17-hour flight to South Africa for the World Cup. "It starts to get real now, you know?" goalkeeper Marcus Hahnemann said. Hahnemann and his teammates pulled off one final trick play before leaving U.S. soil: They went in through the "out" door. The team entered the airport through the arrivals area -- instead of departures -- and went straight through security, bypassing the South African Airways ticket counter -- where some employees had dressed in U.S. team jerseys -- and a handful of disappointed fans who hoped to wish the team well."I was hoping to see them," said Alan Muhealden of Centreville, Va., who wore his Landon Donovan jersey and waited 4 hours but didn't get to glimpse a single player. "I'm not too disappointed. I still support them."

Oh those sly dogs! Seriously why is this even a story? Is there really nothing else to talk about in US Soccer news? It's not shocking to hear that a team used an exit as an entrance because believed it or not, that's usually how Donahue has his gay sex but that's a different story for a different time. And why is the US team flying out of an airport? I don't think Lebron or Kobe had to ride US Air when they went into the olympics. It's the biggest sporting event in the world and we can't even send our guys out in a private jet and in style? The oil spill might be a big deal but sending Clint Dempsey out on Air Force One should've been on the top of Barack's to do list. 

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