Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Anybody Got a Broom?

Let me say this. I thought the Cavs were the most overrated team in the league but it might be the Magic. Dwight Howard and Vince Carter were both classmates of Mo Williams at the school of being a fraud. I mean Howard sucks. He's terrible. I haven't seen him perform one low post move that makes me go "oh, shit.'' Even Rasheed has better low post moves on the block. Vince Carter is no different. He was a freak when he was 26 but Sellberg was also a great baseball player when he was 11 so that doesn't matter. The Celtics are just scary good right now. The stars are healthy and everybody is on top of their game but the thing I like most about them is their playing defense. So cue all the naysayers who say you don't need to play defense to win in the NBA and then tell them to shut the fuck up and watch a game. Seriously. The next dude that tells me defense doesn't matter is gonna get a slap in the face. Hey Kobe. we're coming for your ass.

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