Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I Thought Lebron Was The MVP?

CLEVELAND -- LeBron James better make sure his new MVP trophy isn't missing. The Boston Celtics Rajon Rondo tied a team playoff record with 19 assists, Ray Allen scored 22 points and the Celtics, playing with renewed confidence and looking very dangerous despite their years, opened a 25-point lead in the fourth and then survived Cleveland's comeback for a 104-86 victory on Monday night to even their semifinal series at 1-1. An underdog coming in, the Celtics left town with a split. "We did everything we set out to do," Allen said. "We've talked all year about closing out games. When we do that, we're pretty good."

Where was Lebron last night? Take all the individual titles you want, dude. It wont help Anderson Varejao grow a dick.  I've said this forever. The Celtics are a much better team than the Cavs and they just need to look past the smoke monster that is Lebron and believe in themselves.  They lost game 1 but really if they did that game what they did during last night's second half, we're up 2-0 and heading back to Boston for a wild sex party at the Fuzz residence. Nobody on Cleveland can guard Rajon Rondo. That means no body. You can't put a body on him. Chris Webber said it best in his analysis of the game, "Nobody can push it in and pull it out as fast as Rondo." Let that sink in for a little bit. He'll either drop 20 on you or dish out 19 assists. It's like pick your poison with that kid. You know how there's the hot chick but she's slutty and then there's the cute chick who doesn't get down and you just want to combine the cute chick with the slutty but not so much of a whore that you can't bring her around to grandma's party? Well that's what Rondo is. That dream girl who can do it all and brings something different to the table every night. One day it's burgers and fries and the next it's a salad date at Jamba Juice. I don't think that girl exists so I'll take my chances with Rondo.

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