Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lawrence Taylor Is Not Someone You Want To Babysit (Update!)

Hall of Fame linebacker Lawrence Taylor was arrested early Thursday after being accused of rape at a hotel in Montebello, N.Y., police said. Authorities in Ramapo, N.Y., have not released details in their investigation of Taylor, saying only that the incident allegedly occurred in the Holidome Hotel. According to a press release, additional information will be provided at a news conference Thursday afternoon.

I'm not really surprised by this. Lawrence Taylor has always seemed like one of those guys. The type of guy you watch or meet and immediately get a slimy feeling. Like him, Spencer from The Hills, Dennis Rodman, JR Rider and Big Ben are people you could line up and say, "yeah they're probably gonna get arrested for rape or murder or both." Bad, bad guys. Not mentally stable, slap a young girl type. Disgusts me. On the flip side, maybe this girl shouldn't have led LT on and we wouldn't be in this situation. Kidding. Rape is no joke.

Taylor will "probably" be charged with third-degree rape, which is statutory and carries a term of up to four years, Christopher St. Lawrence, police commissioner for Ramapo said. Taylor also may be charged with solicitation, which is a misdemeanor. A second man was arrested in the case, New York City police said. Rasheed Davis, 36, was arrested on charges of unlawful imprisonment, assault and endangering the welfare of a child. Police said Davis drove the girl, who had been staying with him in the Bronx for a few weeks, to the Holiday Inn and told her she had to have sex with Taylor. She said she refused, Taylor sexually assaulted her, then he paid her 

Uhhhhhhh yikes.

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