Monday, May 3, 2010

Sometimes I Feel Like I've Been Tied To The Whipping Post

Not like I was already having a shitty fucking day. Thanks, ESPN front page. Just rub it in my face that the universe is out to get me. I'm about 4 papers deep right now, my only employee is still in high school, Magic Johnson has the cure to HIV but won't let anyone know, Tiger completely lost his mojo, my cat is shedding like a motherfucker and there's a 65% percent chance I'm gonna survive the week. But a Celtics, Bruins and Sox win tonight can turn that all around, right? No. No it can't because at the end of the day the athletes and sports teams we worship don't give a fuck about us. Sleep on that.

PS - click on the red sox apron and make me a quick buck. Dan Donahue will have unprotected sex with you.

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