Friday, May 7, 2010

This Is Still Going On?

Dallas Braden still wants a piece of Alex Rodriguez. The Oakland Athletics starter, who got into it with Rodriguez after A-Rod ran across the mound following an out in the April 22 game in Oakland, said he may want to throw fists the next time. The Yankees next face the Athletics July 5-7, again in Oakland. "There are things that are going to have to happen," Braden told CSN Bay Area on Wednesday. "Out of respect to my teammates, out of respect to the game. I think he's probably garnered a new respect for the unwritten rules and the people who hold them close to their game. But I think you're right, we don't do much talking in the 209."

This dude is still talking? I hate A-rod more than any other person but even I know when enough is enough. Who the fuck is Dallas Braden? Is he the guy who flipped out when A-rod ran across the mound? That shit happened like 3 weeks ago. Get over it. I know all about holding grudges but there's things that you get over and this should be one of them. A-rod didn't hook up with his wife, or assault him or slap his child. Grow the fuck up, bro. It paints me to say it but he's one of the best in game. If he wants to run across the mound then let him run across the mound. You're not 2 time world series champion Josh Beckett. You're Dallas Braden of the struggling A's who are only relevant right now because you're acting like a complete homosexual. Isn't there somebody in Oakland to grab this kid and tell him to shut the fuck up? He banged Kate Hudson and recently tapped Cameron Diaz. I don't think A-roid gives a shit about Braden's feelings.

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