Monday, May 24, 2010

Brown Flushed Down the Can

What can Mike "Brown" do for you? Well, that's the question NBA teams will be asking this off-season now that the Cavaliers fired him. Brown spent the last 5 season in Cleveland and compiled a 272-138 record. His .663 winning percentage is the highest in team history. I guess it didn't hurt that he had the best player in the league on his team the entire time.

The first question I asked myself when I saw this news was "How does this affect where Lebron will sign?/Do they want Calipari?". Maybe the Cavs have Lebron's inside info and he really does want to play for Calipari. Last week the Bulls were rumored to be interested in Calipari as part of a package deal with Lebron. I'm not sure why Lebron wants to play for Calipari, he seems like more of a dominant recruiter than a dominant coach. He put together a 72-115 record as a head coach in the NBA, not exactly strong numbers. I guess Lebron knows it doesn't matter who coaches him because he runs the show anyways and maybe Calipari is fun to hang out with. Who knows. I have to imagine Lebron didn't like the thought of playing for Mike Brown for the rest of his career. He couldn't win a championship with him the past 5 years so what would make him think something would suddenly change.

(why does he always have such hilarious facial expressions?)

The second question I asked myself was "Who will hire Mike Brown?". The Hawks, Nets, Hornets, Bulls and Clippers are the other 5 teams searching for a coach. My guess is as good as yours where he will end up. Maybe Prokhorov will look at his winning % and throw a ridiculous amount of money at him to coach the Nets.

One last thing, why the hell do people keep going to Obama with sports questions? He's the President of the United States, not an analyst for ESPN. He recently said that Lebron would fit in well with the Chicago Bulls. No shit. You could add Lebron to any team in the NBA and he would fit in well. Just a great bit of wisdom from Barry.

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