Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Marc Savard Is a Biter

BOSTON -- Boston Bruins forward Marc Savard took a bite out of Philadelphia's Stanley Cup hopes in Game 1 when he scored the winning goal in overtime. And in Game 2, he actually bit Daniel Carcillo's finger, the Flyers forward said.  Savard slashed at goalie Brian Boucher's glove, drawing a penalty and the ire of several Flyers who descended upon him. Carcillo said after the game that he hasn't been bitten since grade school. He called Savard "pretty cowardly." "Last time I have been bit was in grade school. It's not a good feeling. ... Guys don't bite. Men don't bite," Carcillo said. But Savard asked what Carcillo's finger was doing in his mouth anyway. "I think he tried to pull my teeth out," Savard said. "If that's biting, I don't know what to say.

I know all about Dan Carcillo. He picks on all the skill players on the other team. Earlier in the year he tried to fight Marion Gaborik of the Rangers and later got his shit kicked in by Sean Avery. Yeah, he's a real tough guy. And he calls Savard cowardly? Really? I'm pretty sure cowardly is going after someone you know won't or can't hit you back. You got Lucic and Chara out there if you want to get frisky. It's the main reason why I only pick fights with guys over 6 feet. And how did Lucic not knock Carcillo the fuck out? What happened to defending one's honor? That's what hockey is all about.

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