Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Don't Speak. I Know What You're Thinking

Listen, I'll be the first to say I was frustrated with the loss last night but it was about time we slip up. Ulysses S. Grant didn't exactly have a perfect war record but Abe Lincoln still called in the righty to lead the union in the Civil War so it's all gravy baby, we got it all smothered. And it wasn't like we got the shit kicked out of us either. Every time Orlando got hot and had a 6 point lead, Boston would come back just to remind them that we'll beat them any day of the week and twice on sunday. So we lost. But mentally I think it's still a win. The Magic had that game tied up with 2 minutes to go in the 4th quarter last night and Paul Pierce went into Paul Pierce Mode and got us back into it with a 3 point play. The only thing that bugs me is that play call with 12 seconds left. Why not fake like Pierce is gonna go iso, drive, kick out to Ray Allen and at least get a shot off? I understand Pierce was on beast time but Ray Ray was having his hottest quarter of the the game and if we've learned anything it's you feed Jesus Shuttlesworth when the mercury is rising.

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