Monday, May 31, 2010

Girl Gets Burned By The Slide Instead of The Climb.

An 18-month-old girl suffered second-degree burns to her hands, knees and stomach after going down a hot plastic slide at a Des Moines playground. Madyson Gomez was playing at Brook Run Park on Wednesday afternoon when she began screaming."I ran over there and she was on there for less than a minute and I went over and by the time I got over to her she actually lost it and went down and that's how she got the burn on her stomach," baby sitter Kerry Welch said.Welch took Madyson to the hospital, where Madyson was met by her mother."She had about golf ball-sized blisters on both of her hands," Nicole Hollingshead said.Hollingshead said she couldn't believe a slide could burn a child so badly, so she went to the park to check it out herself."I was just even more dumbfounded when I saw it was a plastic slide," she said. "I said, 'Oh my God, something has to be wrong with the slide. Maybe it was defective material.' Aren't they supposed to be heat resistant?"

First off let's cut the shit with the whole 18 month old girl. She's 1 and a half years old. Why try to make the kid sound younger than she actually is? It's time to start taking responsibility for your actions, bitch. You're on earth for over year then it's go time. The cord has already been cut. Now I may be old and wise beyond my years but one thing I remember about slides is you do the touch test before you plop your ass on it and go for a ride. It's common sense. You make your 35 year old pitcher take a physical before a new contract, check the cheese for mold after a week and you certainly put your hand on the fucking slide to see if it's hot. Wake the fuck up. It 'aint rocket science, baby girl. And is this mom serious? She was shocked when she found out the slide was plastic. Really? You really think plastic is heat resistant? I can't defend that. I can't wait for when her kid knocks the pot off the stove and she comes out with something like, "What?!? Water boils?!?! But isn't that what snow is made out of?"

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