Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Onyewu Is a Better Man Than You or I Will Ever Be

MILAN - USA international Oguchi Onyewu, who is coming off a season of rehabilitation following a long injury which has forced him to stay off the pitch for the whole season, but is now ready to face the World Cup with his national team, made a very significant gesture from a human and professional point of view today. Assisted by his lawyer, Jean Louis Dupont, Onyewu asked for, and received, a one-year contract extension from Milan, from 30 June 2012 to 30 June 2013. During this extra year, Oguchi Onyewu, by his choice, much appreciated by the Rossoneri club, has asked not to receive any kind of salary. This is an exemplary gesture which deserves sincere congratulations.

So basically Guuch got hurt last year and instead of taking his money, he's playing for free next season as a way to pay his team back. Such a class act. I love it. Would I do it? Fuck no but I like it. Scotty, Mikey and Sellberg pay attention. You come up lame running to first base this season and can't go full steam then you owe me.

P.S. Just saw an ad for Call of Duty Black Ops. Uhhmmmmm that looks dope.

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