Thursday, May 20, 2010

The NFL Is Really Just a Giant Sex Party

It turns out that NFL sex parties might not only occur on the secluded space of a boat. Chiefs wide receiver Dwayne Bowe got a quick introduction to a hidden side of the NFL, according to a piece in the latest ESPN the Magazine. ProFootballTalk has obtained excerpts from the feature, in which the Chief says that teammates meet girls online and fly them into town during road trips. NFL players apparently call the process "importing." Bowe recalls one episode in San Diego during his rookie season: "You hear stories about groupies hanging out in hotel lobbies, but some of my teammates had it set up so there was a girl in every room. The older guys get on MySpace and Facebook a week before we go to a city; when a pretty one writes back, they arrange to fly her in three or four days in advance. They call it importing."

You must be a desperate slut to be wanting to bang one of the Kansas City Chiefs.  They call it "importing.'' I'm seriously gonna use that term from now on. "Hey man, how many chicks were you able to import for the party tonight?" Technically it's not prostitution but it might as well be. It's just like the chicks who banged Tiger and now want his money for damages. They don't want you to call them whores but they want to bang Tiger and then take his money to keep quiet just like a hooker. Hmmm. Interesting. Let me point out another thing. You don't see these stories coming out about any player like Tom Brady or Wes Welker or anyone of that fairer skin color. And Big Ben doesn't count because he's always been a scum bag. I'm not saying it's a race issue but it might be a fucking race issue. I guess on the bright side they're not luring girls into their hotel room and raping them like Kobe did.

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