Wednesday, May 19, 2010

5 Year Old Gets The Cuffs

LEHIGH ACRES, Fla. -- A startling scene outside a party store brought a Florida woman to tears. The woman said she saw a sheriff's deputy arresting a 5-year-old boy as she was pumping gas at a nearby 7-Eleven. She snapped a photo and described it as an "out of control situation." "That's not a way to treat a child, that's not a way to teach a lesson to a little boy," said the woman, who asked to remain anonymous. The little boy's mother said she asked the deputy, a friend and 15-year veteran of the Lee County Sheriff's Office, to "arrest" her son as a way to scare him straight. "I hope it scared him to figure out that he's not going to play with matches or lighters again," she said. "That was the whole point of it -- to make him afraid that he was going to go to jail." Child psychiatrist Omar Rieche said the discipline was too much. "No matter what the details are, when you see that picture, it says so much," he said. "The age in which this is being done is inappropriate, so it's misguided."

What happened to slapping a kid on the wrist and sending him on his way? I'm not saying I'm gonna be father of the year but I know I won't be setting up a fake arrest on a 5 year old to scare him straight. Wasn't that a show? Scared Straight? Maybe a movie. I don't know. Sellberg should watch that shit so maybe he'll stop fucking guys. What was this post even about? The kid played with matches so he got handcuffed? This might be cruel and unusual but if my kid wants to play around with a lighter then I'm gonna little his ass on fire and show him the real consequences of being a flamer. Wait. That doesn't right...

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