Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lohan To Do Porn Star Movie

One of the producers of an independent movie about 1970s porn star Linda Lovelace says Lindsay Lohan has landed the leading role. Producer Wali Razaqi says the 24-year-old actress will play Lovelace, while Bill Pullman has been cast to play Hugh Hefner in the period drama "Inferno." Razaqi tells The Los Angeles Times that the movie will be based on the life of Lovelace, who shot to fame with the landmark 1972 porno movie "Deep Throat." He says the drama will delve into the "difficult stuff she went through and overcame."

I don't know what I'm more excited about. The fact that Lindsay Lohan's career has officially hit rock bottom by doing a porn star bio-pic or the fact that Bill Pullman got the role of Hugh Hefner. Last I checked Bill Pullman was President Thomas Whitmore in Independence Day and he saved the world from an alien invasion. I'm almost positive George W saw that movie and it inspired him to run for president.  But I don't even want to see Lohan do anything that remotely relates to sex. If you told me tomorrow there was a sex tape with her in it, I think I'd tell you I'd rather watch the Cincinnati Reds play the Pirates. And that's saying a lot because I can't watch baseball unless the Sox are on. She disgusts me. Unless she transforms back into the 2006/Mean Girls version of herself then it's a no go. I'll even take the Parent Trap era of Lohan. Don't judge me on that last statement.

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