Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I Can't Think Of a Title

Authorities said a central Florida man took one last swig of alcohol while waiting to take a sobriety test. Marion County Sheriff's deputies stopped 61-year-old Dana Seaman after noticing his car swerve three times.Seaman said he'd been drinking and agreed to a sobriety test. But first, Deputy Eric Larson said he watched Seaman drink from a cup and toss it under the passenger seat. According to a police report, the cup smelled strongly of alcohol.

If you told me a man named Dana Seaman committed a crime and then asked me what it was, 99 times out of 100 I would have guessed it was a DUI. You say Dana Seaman and I say drunk.It also helps that seaman rhymes with Seagrams which just happens to own Captain Morgan. There's your fun fact of the day. Trust me, I wiki'd it so you know it's legit. They also make wine coolers which Dan Donahue loves. That's a true story. Kid walked into my house with a 12 case of Seagrams wine coolers, one of which was called "Bahama Mama" and "Jamaican Crazy." Now playing the word association game again if you told me to guess which person would be drinking something called Bahama Mama, it would be Donahue. But back to the story. I want Dana Seaman on my team, not because he's a drunk but because he's relentless in his efforts. Just because you pull him over you think he's gonna stop drinking? No way. This fight aint over till the fat lady sings. He's the type of guy who gets called out on strikes but doesn't leave the box because he doesn't agree with the ump's call.

P.S. Why the picture of Richard Henry Lee? Because that dude just didn't give a fuck. Get up on your US history kids.

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