Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Super Bowl Coming To NY In 2014

IRVING, Texas -- If you build it, they will come -- wearing winter coats. The New Meadowlands Stadium, the $1.6 billion jewel co-owned by the New York Giants and Jets, will host the 2014 Super Bowl, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell announced Tuesday afternoon at the league's spring meeting. "It's a historic moment for the league," Goodell said. Saying that New York is a unique market, Goodell added: "It will be a great experience for our fans. It will be a great experience for the NFL." The league's 32 owners, undaunted by the prospect of a wintry championship game, awarded Super Bowl XLVIII to the New York/New Jersey region after also considering bids from Tampa and South Florida, both traditional sites. South Florida and Tampa have hosted the Super Bowl 10 and four times, respectively.

I'm not hating on New York because I actually hate New York and Jersey. I'm hating on the winter and the cold.  If I work my ass off all season then I wanna be rewarded by flying down to Miami for Super Bowl week and have my teammates absolutely drown in titties. Not go to the city that never sleeps in freezing temperatures where the closest thing we get to seeing a pair of cannons is some fat, homeless fucker who can't afford to put a shirt on.

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