Friday, May 7, 2010

The Pacific

Our mission statement here at Ugg Boot's for Men is suppose to be to let all of our wonderful readers know what movies are too gay to be seen and which are quite gay, but still rock. Well I'm gonna break that statement for this post. The Pacific is fucking awesome. It's fucking badass. It fucking rocks.

Now if any of our readers haven't seen Band of Brothers, immediately log off (actually read this post then log off) the computer and watch all the episodes. The concept of Band of Brothers is a group of soldiers stationed in Europe during WWII. Can any of you guess where The Pacific is located? That's right- in the Pacific! It's produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks. The budget has got to be out of the fucking roof, but let's be honest, what kind of production studio would say no to ANYTHING done by Spielberg and Hanks? They could pitch an idea about lesbian nuns attempting to overthrow the Vatican and Universal Studios would sign it up ASAP (that idea is copy-written by me by the way). The story has depth, the characters have depth, it's informational, and you get to see some tits. Is there anyway possible this show could be better? Maybe if Usher was in it, but other than that, nope. It's on HBO and if you don't have premium television by now you're retarded and need to get it. It's a great fucking show and everyone needs to start watching.

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