Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Morning Glory Trailer Released, Starring Rachel McAdams and Patrick Wilson

Harrison Ford, Rachel McAdams, Jeff Goldblum, Diane Keaton and Patrick Wilson. That's the cast of the new J. J. Abrams produced movie Morning Glory. Pretty great cast, right? Yeah, I thought so too. A Rachel McAdams/Patrick Wilson romantic pairing? I'm hooked. Well, the trailer has been released and the movie looks pretty great. The trailer starts with McAdam's mom asking her, "Did you get a job yet?", to which she replies, "No. But I have feelers out. Lots.". It might be because I'm in that exact same situation, my mom constantly nagging me to find a job, but I was hooked from that point on. That, and the fact that I'd like Rachel McAdams to be around for my morning glory. (there u go JR)

I also happen to love romantic comedies so that didn't hurt my opinion of this trailer. There's a new Natasha Bedingfield song at the end of the trailer from her upcoming album but no word on what it is called. The movie comes out November 12, 2010.

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