Monday, May 10, 2010

Nice Shoes, Dude.

Four years ago, a Tampa area high school freshman told his Spanish teacher he'd wear the same pair of sneakers every day until graduation. His toes stick out of the front and plastic bags encase the shoes on rainy days, but Ben Hedblom has made good on his promise. His teacher may have to shave his head and eyebrows if Hedblom holds on until graduation next month. The 17-year-old football captain said the bet has turned into more than a joke. Hedblom said it helped him worry less about other people's perceptions and ended up inspiring his senior class project on the psychology behind perceptions. Teacher Adrian Antonini left the school after the bet was made. In fact, he doesn't remember making it, but said he may shave his head via webcam.

There a lot of little nuggets in this story. You'd think this was some kid named Paco who couldn't afford shoes but it's really the captain of the football team and the teacher is named Adrian. Can't you picture this kid walking down the aisle at graduation, feet bleeding and yelling for Adrian to pay up? That's a moment you gotta capture on film. And what kind of bet ends with this loser shaving his head and eye brows? I've never understood those bets that end with the other guy having to make a fool of himself. How 'bout you just get that cash money and make him feel like an asshole whenever he has to look at his bank statement. And then turning this into a senior project on perceptions? I don't think you look like a fucking idiot. I know you look like a fucking idiot. It's just not sanitary.

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