Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New King, Same Place

Since we have already provided you with 2 of our predictions as to where Lebron will land this summer we have invited our good friend John SaWALL (yes, he is a Wizards fan) to provide his input. Below is what he e-mailed us.

The already perfect fit: Cleveland Cavaliers. As we all know, the 2010 NBA season did not exactly have a storybook ending for Cleveland. While many take this as a sign that Bron is going to move on and try to cement his legacy elsewhere, I think this fact will actually nudge him into staying for a long, long time.

Michael Jordan. Kobe Bryant. God Shamgod (okay, maybe not.) Lebron James. Still, his name looks out of place in the midst of such basketball gods. The aforementioned gods-of-the-game all have one thing in common: winning, and winning a lot, for one city. Right or wrong, he has been compared with Kobe and Jordan since he was still in high school. He has been with the Cavs for 7 years, and has netted 1 NBA finals appearance, and ZERO NBA finals games won.

So, you think the greatest-hyped player in the history of the game is going to let his future-legend status get tarnished by trying to win his first title with another superstar - ala D Wade in Miami? I think not. Lebron is going for the kind of lifetime domincance as an early-career Shaq, not an over the hill Shaq that could only win a title with D Wade, a reality TV show, and a short career as a Miami-city police officer. While I'm sure he would appreciate a more suitable playoff-winabble roster around him (their best pickup since he's been there has been a trade for Antawn Jamison, who doesn't win), signing as a free agent in a city with an already prollific superstar such as Miami makes absolutely no sense. He is going to prove he can do it on his own, like all the great players that have come before him. Oh, and he's going to sign in Jordan's city without any titles to his name? Yeah right.

In the 7 years he's been in Cleveland, he has brought their downtown economy to record heights. He has given that city SOMETHING. Truly, he is the only shot that entire state has at anything great for a long, long time. It's his city. He's not done with Cleveland, and Cleveland is not done with him. Look for Lebron to sign a long term contract, eventually bring his city a few titles, some respect, and maybe a nice older gentleman for his mother.

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