Monday, May 24, 2010

Tonight Will Be Jack Bauer's Finest Hour

Here we are. I'd argue that this has been the worst 24 hours of our hero's life. It all started as he was coming off a lethal infection and then he suddenly thrown back into the fire when he got wind of an assassination plot on President Hassan. Did he have to help out? No, he didn't. But did he do it because he's the finest American this country has ever seen? Yes, yes he did. Then Hassan gets his head chopped anyway so Bauer and Renee cope with this by banging it out on the sheets only to have Renee sniped from 3 rooftops away. And now Bauer is on a fucking rampage of revenge that led us to here and I don't know what's next. All we can do is watch and pray that he goes out like a bulletproof tiger. Something like he's on top of a building with guns blazing and as he takes his final breath, a hole is ripped in his shirt and we see the American flag painted on his chest. Live free or died, baby!

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