Monday, May 17, 2010

Girl Doubts Herself Sailing Across Globe. The Lack Of Confidence Is So Hot.

The young Australian who spent seven months sailing around the world said critics who doubted her abilities had some company -- the 16-year-old herself. Jessica Watson, who became the youngest person to sail around the globe solo, nonstop and unassisted when she cruised into Sydney Harbor on Saturday, acknowledged in an interview aired a day later that she shared the concerns of people who said she might not be up to the journey of 23,000 nautical miles."It was driving me mad, because I hadn't actually done any solo sailing. And here I was telling the world I was about to sail solo, nonstop and unassisted around the world -- and I hadn't actually been out by myself," Watson told Australia's Ten Network, which helped sponsor her trip.

I've never really understood what's so great about sailing or flying around the world. Congrats, bitch. You sat on your fat ass for seven months and made adjustments as your boat took all the beating. Same with flying. If what you do is sail boats and fly planes then this shouldn't be an issue. It seems harder to bored enough to try it then actually complete the mission. If you wanna impress me then jump in the water and swim. Give me something to talk about.  "Hey, did you hear about the babe that swam across the world? Insane! She must be so cold!" or, "yeah, this chick sailed across the world on a boat. Someone wake up Ferdinand Magellan." Which sounds better?

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