Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Go And Call Your Bitches Cause There's Gonna Be a Party

You smell that? Smells like $60 bones in the bank. Cha-Ching motherfuckers. It may have just jumped to $60.06 as I'm writing this. We hit the 60 mark the other day and I promised a party so there's gonna be a party. I don't know when and I don't know where. Probably sometime after next week when Scotty turns 18 so he can fucking drown in boobs and tobacco products. And that's not all we're celebrating. The WBL launch party/draft will be taking place. That's what we in the blogging biz call "big potatoes." Believe me when I say it's gonna be BIG. As in me wearing my bow tie big. Yeah we might have had 2 years off but we're coming back better than ever just like the MLB and Elliot Debonee with his music videos. Chris Powers is drooling right now and I can't wait to take his screw ball deep and I'm fully aware of how gay that sounds. The bottom line is this. If you wanna play wiffle ball with the best of the best then drop a line. Make yourself eligible for the draft. I'll probably get drunk and draft some chick again. Seriously. I think I drafted Alexis Veith 3 years in the row with my first round pick. I guess I'm just a hopeless romantic that wishes the game would relate to real life. It's like Matt Millen always picking wide receivers except I just want receivers. Easssyyy now. Like this is gonna be a night with 3 different kinds of smoking come at you. A celebration of the blog, Scott becoming a man and the WBL being re-birthed into society. All are welcome. Except Vollono. Don't you dare think this is over.

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