Saturday, May 1, 2010

It's Time To Break Down Another Justin Bieber Video

-How big is Sean Kingston gonna get? Like c'mon bro. Easy on the fries. We won't be able to pack you into videos with the Bieb anymore

-How did Bieber even get into that party? Tell me another time you'd find a party that is so racially split. You wouldn't. And I wouldn't make fun of the kid if he made realistic videos.

-It's a pool party and Bieber shows up in jeans and a jacket. Nice.

-Are Bieber and Kingston trying to bang the same broad? That can't end well. That's how hate crimes begin.

- I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck an eenie meenie minie moe lover is. Let's call a square a square and a slut is a slut.

-Did Bieber grab that chick's ass at the 2:12 mark?!? He's growing up.

-This looks like the worst fucking pool party ever. They're all fully clothed except for the random black dude with the squirt gun. On a side note, when have you ever seen a random black dude with a squirt gun and a smile on his face? When have you ever seen a black dude with a smile on his face? We just went there.

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