Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm So Sick Of This Fucking Dude

You can't watch a soccer game without hearing Lionel Messi's name come up and then the debate between whether he's the best in the world or if Cristiano Ronaldo is. Uhhh who gives a fuck? I'm not saying Messi sucks because he's pretty fucking good but do I drop my imaginary bowl of cereal when I watch him play? Fuck no. He's a nice player like Dwayne Wade. Same with Cristiano Ronaldo. They do some nice things for their teams but don't take over certain parts of the field like Ronaldinho would do in 2006. And yes, I will forever stand by my statement that Ronaldinho is the greatest player to ever play the game. Seriously if Ronaldinho actually gave a fuck nobody would be trying to sniff Messi's jock.

P.S. What has Messi won on the international stage when the stakes are the highest? Oh. That's right.

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