Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Classic Gay Man Fight

Just a few questions for this one. Where the fuck is the fight taking place? 21 Jump Street? I love the ego on the first fat kid, though. Egging the crowd on like Hulk Hogan getting ready to fight the The Ultimate Warrior. But that's kind of where the fight starts and ends because the second fatty was all business. No showboating, no doing dougie, simply show him the target and let him slap the shit out of it. I don't care if you're gay, chinese, lebonese, or retarded. This is how real men settle disputes. The only problem I have with it all is the other kids trying to taunt them with gay slurs. There's no need to call them fat faggots. They know they're fat faggots. Let the fat faggots be fat faggots.

P.S. What are they fighting over? No way it's a dude. The gays aren't desperate enough to start boning fat guys.

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