Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tell The Wife and Kids To Get My 10 Gallon Hat. We're Going To Dallas.

36 to 7? Good grief, Charlie Brown. Do teams know they're gonna get their shit stomped in so they don't show up to games anymore? New York was supposed to beat us so we hung 45 points on their ass. Chicago was gonna be our biggest test of the season. We walked into their house and blew the fucking doors off. Even mother nature tried to step to us and we quickly pulled the rug out from under her and slapped dick to her mouth. Untouchable. That's the only word that I can come up with to describe us. When I say "us" I mean Tom Terrific, Belichick, this blog, Mikey O in snake, Devin McCourty covering wide receivers like he's the government and they're Area 51. That was a bit of a stretch.  I feel on fire lately and that only means one thing. I'm about 5 days from a catastrophic melt down.

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