Thursday, December 30, 2010


Boston Celtics president of basketball operations Danny Ainge said Thursday afternoon that an MRI (and further examinations) confirmed that Kevin Garnett's injury is indeed a muscle injury in his calf area of his right leg and not to his surgically repaired knee. Ainge, speaking on Boston sports radio station WEEI, estimated Garnett would miss, at the most, two weeks with the injury. Garnett injured the leg as he threw down a first-quarter dunk in Wednesday night's loss to the Pistons, limping off the court and not returning. X-rays performed during the game showed no fractures. Coach Doc Rivers reiterated his optimistic outlook from Wednesday night on Thursday, saying early indications are that Garnett's injury is not significant and is not to his surgically repaired knee.

Remember when I said the season was over? I take that back and then some. Muscle strains aren't shit. I pull a muscle every time I get out of bed in the morning and I still show up to work and win blogging titles. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to raping the PGA Tour on Xbox 360. Tell Tiger Woods that somebody nicknamed "Sweetness" is coming for his ass.

P.S. Why the low level of production on the blogs this week? Relax. I consider this vacation week until New Years Day. I got too many new toys to play with.

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