Monday, December 13, 2010

Guess Who's Single

Good thing the "High School Musical" trilogy already came to an end or things might have been a little awkward on set. According to multiple online reports, Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens have split. Both E! News and Us Weekly are reporting that the duo have gone their separate ways. "It's nothing dramatic," one source told E! about the split. "There's no third party involved." Sources add the couple are still friends, with another one adding, "They were together for so long. It just ran its course." An Us source confirmed those details: "They are still talking and still friends. There's no drama. No one cheated. They just grew up." Reps for Hudgens and Efron didn't respond to MTV News' request for comment by press time. The pair have been busy with their respective careers. Efron is in New Orleans shooting "The Lucky One," while Hudgens is in Hawaii shooting "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island." The pair met on the set of "High School Musical" in 2005 and began dating a couple of years later. 

I think I know where this relationship started going sour. When Efron came home and said he's gonna be shooting a movie called "The Lucky One" and all Vanessa could do to counter it was "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island." I guess you'd have to see Journey 1 first. Must be one of those sequel situations.  But that's not the point. Vanessa Hudgens does it for me. Ever since she sent out those nude pics on her cell phone, I was investing in some Hudgens stock. And that doesn't make her slutty, she wasn't selling her pictures or sending them out to the internet. They were intended for one person only and they got in the wrong hands. That's hot. Dumb but hot. I wouldn't marry her just like I wouldn't marry a stripper but I think I'd invite her out for a beer, see where the night takes us and the next morning lie about texting her later to hang out. That's called getting Dan Donahue'd. Or is that what it's called when you get a DUI? Whoops.

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