Thursday, December 9, 2010

I Made 2 Cents Today. What Gives?

As you can see we're slowly evolving and I don't know why. It's awesome but I wish I had something to do with it besides writing random rants and thoughts so other people can make fun of me behind my back. You know you do. I bet I get attacked on anything from my boyish charm to my rugged good looks or maybe it's how I'm secretly the smartest guy in the room at all times but you'd never know it.One of those awful, awful things. Anyway, I don't go around advertising this blog. In fact, if you came up to me and asked for the URL I'd probably pretend like this blog didn't exist then throw my milk at you. But one thing I do like to do is to tell you motherfuckers to start clicking on some ads. I need to hit the $100 mark by Christmas and right now we're sitting on $70.52. Brady needs some toys and I don't want to be that dead beat who can't afford anything for his loved ones.
That's me and the boss at my home office, reading up on some Civil War bullshit. We're pretty close.

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