Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Is Anybody Else Watching One Tree Hill Right Now?

I probably know the answer to that question but this shit just took a turn for the crazy. I mean absolutely bat shit crazy. What we have is your natural thunder storm episode except the writers took your usual wind and rain and turned into a fucking monsoon. Is the weather acting like a monsoon? No. But the characters are dealing with the thunderstorm like a bunch of jackasses and it pisses me right the fuck off. It's your usual storm. Not a tornado, not a hurricane, heavy rain and actually no wind at all. Let's start from the top.

-Jamie is in a spelling bee and he comes in second or something. I don't know. Not important. He asks the rentals if he can go out with his buddy, some broad and oh, the teacher. Really? You don't think it's weird your son's teacher wants to take some kids out for a night on the town during a rain storm? OK. 

-Julian and Brooke have a fight about her moving out to LA. She storms out of the house and into her car. This excites me because Brooke Davis in the pouring rain does things to my banana sandblaster. Ya. I call it that.

-Nathan and Haley leave the spelling bee and have a flat tire. That's pretty much their entire episode.

-Remember that crazy blonde slut that shot Quinn and the agent with terrible hair? Well she's back and she's coming for blood. Agent boy is out of town and that leaves Quinn in the house. Alone. At night. In the middle of a thunder storm. I expect her to be rocking a Scream mask.

-Last Kiss by Pearl Jam will probably be played later , too.

-So Brooke is driving along like an asshole and sees a flipped over SUV. It's gotta be someone she knows, right? Because random strangers don't  have accidents. NOT IN TREE HILL!

-It's Jamie, the sexy/pedophile teacher, chuck with a concussion and a little asian girl who's probably gonna grow up and be a 7. Everyone is fine. Jamie is stuck. Brooke tries to get him out. Julian shows up but just as he does ANOTHER CAR ACCIDENT. Hits the flipped over SUV, SUV crashes into the water, Julian dives down and frees Jamie. It also takes these ass hats a solid 10 minutes to realize the car is sinking. Ummm helloooo?

-Meanwhile back at the horror movie house, a game of cat and mouse ensues with Quinn and killer girl. Because that has to happen in a horror movie. Nobody gets murdered like it really happens.

-That's about it. Killer girl gets shot by Quinn, Brooke doesn't actually drown, and I still miss the shit out of Lucas Scott. The end.

-The question is was this episode more outrageous than the random dog eating Dan Scott's heart that was getting ready for a transplant? Who the fuck lets a golden retriever roam the ICU?

-I googled my name and the sauce boss picture came up. Uhhhmmmm that's awesome.

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