Monday, December 20, 2010

Demi Lovato Possible Sex Tape

At the end of October, Demi Lovato was all set to start a South American leg of the Jonas Brothers tour. A few days into the tour, reports surfaced that she beat the hell out of a backup dancer and had left the tour to enter rehab. Demi has been suspected of being a cutter and getting bullied so going to rehab should not have surprised us but reports surfaced that she was in rehab for alcohol and coke addictions. The first word that comes to mind is, "boss".

A few days after the report of her going to rehab leaked came the report that she punched that backup dancer in the face. The reason, according to reports, was that Demi and friends were partying hard (i.e. being awesome) and her dad found out (likely because of that stupid backup dancer). Basically Demi tries to have fun while "backup dancers" tell on her.

Anywho, Demi is in "rehab" right now but that hasn't stopped various reports of her past behaviors from surfacing. The other day two pictures of her partying with friends surfaced.

On one hand these pictures are really awesome because they feature an 18-year old Disney star licking another girl and pulling down her shirt but on the other hand there's a really creepy dude in the background. Oh yeah, there's also the fact that her tits look like she borrowed them from an MTV reality TV series contestant.

This weekend reports surfaced that Demi has a sex tape that will probably surface soon. She turned 18 this past August so the videos had to be recorded in the last few months or else everyone involved will become regular names on Nightline. According to the report,
"This girl is already in trouble, so we’ll try to take it easy on her. On her recent tour, she frequently kicked everyone else off the tour bus so that she could bring random guys aboard. They would spend hours doing what hormonally-charged kids do while her band had to wait outside. One of the people who waited outside was her chaperone, a relative who knew exactly what was happening and did nothing. By the way, our girl loves to film everything. Everything. Yes, there is more than a chance that it will be made public soon"
All I have to say is that she sounds 1) Awesome to party with 2) Less annoying than other 18-year olds 3) Do I need a "3" after those 2? If you don't know who Demi Lovato is or haven't listened to her music, watch this music video and it will rock your world.

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