Wednesday, December 1, 2010

DJ Hernandez Seems To Be Handling That One Game Suspension Well...

HARTFORD, Conn. -- A Connecticut high school football coach was suspended Tuesday for one game after acknowledging he used an opponent's play list that his team found during their game last month.
Southington High School principal Martin Semmel said Tuesday that he suspended coach D.J. Hernandez after the coach admitted using the list of coded plays from an armband lost by a Manchester High School player. Southington beat Manchester 28-14 on Oct. 22. In an e-mail Wednesday, Hernandez apologized for using the list, saying he realizes that he did not set a good example for his team, and promises to become a better coach.

One of the perks of being facebook friends with Tyler Lorenzen. And hey dude, I bet there's a couple more buttons on that shirt you probably missed. That aint a gay bar. T-Lo doesn't swing that way.

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