Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hide Ya Kids, Hide Ya Wife, Hide Ya Husbands Because Storm Adrian Is Gonna Rape Everybody!

The bottom line is this. I'm got flu like symptoms and this is a big deal because I don't get sick. I barely even get a cold. So when I start feeling sick, it must mean God is calling me to return home. I refuse to get off the couch for the next 48 hours. I also refuse to blog. You don't wanna be around me when I'm not feeling right. I just don't have that normal mojo that usually pumps through my pores. My charm is gone, my looks are out of the window, I can barely keep my eyes open and if anyone says something that turns me the wrong way, I fucking snap. Like even the cat isn't safe today. If he keeps rubbing on my leg, he's gonna be enjoying the storm with the poor people today. Outside. With HIV.

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