Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cammy Newton Wins The Heisman. Thank God.

NEW YORK -- Cam Newton won the Heisman Trophy -- as if there was any doubt. Whether he gets to keep it is still to be determined.  Auburn's hulking quarterback brushed off an NCAA investigation of his recruitment as he did so many tacklers this season and captured college football's biggest individual award Saturday night in a landslide vote. "Honestly, it's a dream come true for me, something every child has a dream that plays the sport of football, and I'm living testimony that anything is possible," Newton said. Newton, the third player from Auburn to win the Heisman, received 729 first-place votes and outpointed runner-up Andrew Luck of Stanford by 1,184 points. Oregon running back LaMichael James was third, followed by Boise State quarterback Kellen Moore, the other finalist.

Cam Newton wins the Heisman so now we can stop talking about him, right? Listen, great talent, good player, pretty solid college quarterback. Pretty solid doesn't get you championship rings in the NFL. Look at Tom Brady or Peyton Manning or Drew Brees. Would you say they're hulking QB's in college? Absolutely not. Andrew Luck will probably go #1 in the draft and he lost the Heisman by 1,184 points. So what's my point? My point is that the Heisman Trophy doesn't mean shit. It's like winning the MVP of your high school basketball team. It feels awesome for a week but in the end, who the fuck cares? Nobody. People move on with their lives. I guess I'm just waiting for when Cam Newton has to return his trophy like Reggie Bush for being a smart college kid. Ya, a smart college kid. If my school is making millions off of me, I want a piece. I want some dollar bills.That shouldn't be illegal or immoral. That should be fucking American.

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