Wednesday, December 8, 2010

You Must Read This.

Remember when Togs blogged? Well I think he just did his finest work and he hasn't posted in 6 months. Little background story for your ass. I woke up this morning like every other morning. Roll out of bed, check my sports blogs, hit up twitter, read up on some facebook posts and go downstairs to grab some coffee. Except this morning was different. This morning was brilliant. I see I have an inbox message from my our boy Togs. I obviously thought it was what it always is coming from him. Titties and booty rocking every where. I'm not gonna post exactly what it was but right now I'll tell how to get there.

-Another fact before you move on. I don't read It's written by a scumbag and I actually think it's terribly mean and probably a little illegal but this might be the only exception.

Type this into your browser. That's all.

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