Thursday, December 2, 2010


ZURICH -- The tiny desert nation of Qatar beat out the United States as the 2022 World Cup host, with FIFA brushing aside doubts about blistering heat to bring soccer's showcase event for the first time to the Middle East. The 22 voters on FIFA's executive committee, some accused of corruption in the weeks leading up to their meeting, picked Russia to stage the 2018 tournament, another first-time host. Qatar, an oil-rich nation that has been independent since 1971, has a population of about 1.7 million -- 500,000 less than Houston. At 4,416 square miles, it is smaller than Connecticut. "We go to new lands," FIFA president Sepp Blatter said.

I usually take whatever AlexiLalas says with a grain of salt but he was dead on when he said FIFA was nothing more than a political organization. You go to new lands?  Bullshit. You go where the money and bribes are and the oil. That's where you fucking go. They knew England and United States would have put on the best show but FIFA is afraid of how that would look to the rest of the world cause we absolutely run this shit. So how do they really stick it to us? Put the world cup in Putin's hands in 2018 and then the middle east in 2022 where 113 degrees is deemed "comfortable." Unbelievable. Unfuckingbelievable. You know this will put David Beckham on suicide watch too because this is all he had going for him. The whole thing freaks me out a bit. You say "Qatar" and I say "terrorism." Is this what we want? Do we want the terrorists to win? Glen Beck will say that exact line in 4 hours and then blame this failed world cup bid on the liberals.

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