Thursday, December 9, 2010


AKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. -- Boston Red Sox manager Terry Francona called left fielder Carl Crawford a game-changer. Turns out he might have been guilty of understatement. Between the multitalented Crawford, who a source confirmed came to terms Wednesday night on a seven-year, $142 million deal, and slugging first baseman Adrian Gonzalez, acquired by trade last weekend from San Diego and in line for his own seven-year deal for an estimated $154 million, the Red Sox appear set for the next decade.  "Adrian already heard about Carl," Gonzalez's agent, John Boggs, e-mailed Wednesday night. "He's very happy."

Does this mean we ship Jacoby Ellsbury out for a right handed bat? Someone by the name of Justin Upton sounds very appetizing.  Doesn't matter. Trade or not the Sox are fucking set for the next 10 years. What other team can you say is comfortable with their lineup for another decade? Certainly not New York. I just feel replenished or something. Like last season was totally worth it after this. The only question left is what shirt does I get for Christmas? Gonzo or Carl Crawford? Whatever. VICTORRYYYY!

P.S. Yankee fans are gonna go off about the Cliff Lee and CC duo. Yeah. Cliff Lee looked fantastic in the World Series, huh? That's when it really counts. And last I checked we still owned CC's ass. 

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