Monday, December 6, 2010

I Can't Tell You How Excited I Am For Tonight's Game

Make no mistake about it. I may think Mark Sanchez is an absolute hunk but I'd still murder his ass and I hope to see him carted off on a stretcher tonight. See that's the thing about cold blooded killers like myself. We don't give a fuck. Cross us the wrong way and we'll pull your card without thinking about it. It's all about loyalty and there's no bond stronger than the one with me and Tom Terrific. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little worried about the game tonight. A lot of marbles riding on this one but then I got to thinking. Belichick doesn't lose big games. Belichick doesn't lose at home. Tom Brady doesn't lose at home. Belichick doesn't lose to the same team twice in one season. My nipples could cut glass. Give Belichick 10 days to prepare for a team and it's lights out. I feel good about it. The bottom line is we have Bill Belichick and they have Rex Ryan. One can talk the talk but the other guy walks the walk and that's what will win you championships in the NFL. Like the late great Michael Jackson once said, "I wanna see some blood on the dance floor." You know he was hanging out with a bunch of 13 year old girls, too. That's gross. Periods are never something to joke about.

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