Thursday, December 16, 2010

Is This Asshole Serious?

I think I'm just gonna start a daily post where I rip apart motherfuckers on Facebook. It's way too easy and seems like it's something I was born to do. Point our faults of others while being totally oblivious to my own. Anyway, I'm not friend, bro. I'm not your pal or anything other than just a dude you shouldn't have fucked with. At least not today. I'm tired and pissed off and hungry. Do I think I have what it takes to be lord? Uhh ya. This is my kingdom right here you idiot. I run blogs from here to the end of the Farmington River. I'm already the best in the land and have a world title belt to prove it. So unless you're gonna come to my house, put a crown on my head, build me my own throne and make 8 naked gypsy's dance for me, then no I don't want to play Kingdoms of Camelot. Grow the fuck up.

=====================) V
That's my dick fucking the competition.

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