Friday, December 31, 2010

The Yankees Wanna Party Like It's 1999

Former Cy Young Award winner Bartolo Colon told a newspaper in the Dominican Republic that the Yankees are one of three teams that have expressed interest in him. Colon has not pitched in the major leagues since July 24, 2009, but the 37-year-old has been working on a comeback in the Dominican Winter League. The Rangers and Indians also have shown interest, according to Colon. “I’ll go with the one that signs me,” Colon told El Dia.

 Fun fact about myself. I used to eat the Cleveland Indians up. Robby Alomar, Man-Ram, Jim Thome, Omar Vizquel and Bartolo Colon. My dream squad in Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest 2000 on N64. But this aint 1999 anymore. Bartolo Colon isn't ever going to go 18-5 again. Yeah, he went 21-8 in 2005 but in 5 years since then he's played in a total number of 48 games. But the bottom line: Mark Prior and Bartolo Colon in the same off season? Is Brian Cashman trying to be Theo Epstein? Hey idiot, the Smoltz/Brad Penny experiment didn't work for us. Why would it work for you?

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