Monday, December 6, 2010

Dude Changes His Name To Captain Awesome

An Oregon man has had an Awesome name change. Douglas Allen Smith Jr. says he changed his name to Captain Awesome last month because he was inspired by the nickname of a character on the NBC television show "Chuck" - Dr. Devon "Captain Awesome" Woodcomb. The unemployed Eugene cabinet installer says he found it funny Woodcomb's father gave him that nickname because a "poor nickname builds good character." The former Mr. Smith says he faced a Lane County judge who questioned his seriousness. The judge that granted the request made him swear he wasn't changing his name for fraudulent reasons. Awesome says that judge also allowed him to sign his name as a right arrow, a smiley face and a left arrow.

Grow up, Peter Pan. Captain Awesome? How fucking old are you? That's the best you could come up with? Maybe it's me but I think Douglas Allen Smith Jr. sounds like a pretty awesome name You don't need to go off and sound like a 6 year old kid on a sugar high. I'm not shocked to hear he's unemployed, either. Nobody is gonna take you seriously with a name like Captain Awesome. Even if you have a simple job like a waiter, it's a tough name to live up to me. "Hi, I'm captain awesome. What can I get you?" Uhh I don't know jackass. Why don't you fly to bar and get me a beer in under 5 seconds if you're so fucking awesome. Just setting yourself up for failure. If you're going to change your name, you gotta do it right and make it sound prestigious. Like Lincoln Washington VII or Kenzington Daughtry or Connor DirkDiggler Rusinko. Make motherfuckers think you come from a political family and you can get shit done with a flick of the wrist.

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