Wednesday, December 1, 2010

U.S. Makes Bid for 2022 World Cup, Morgan Freeman Messes It Up

morgan freeman world cup united states usa us bill clinton soccer barack obama carlos Bocanegra
Yesterday, the U.S. made a presentation at the FIFA headquarters in a bid to host the 2022 World Cup. Bill Clinton is leading the charge and is the "honorary chairman of the bid committee". He certainly proved he loved America and soccer when he drank a Budweiser with Carlos Bocanegra after a World Cup game last summer. The U.S. knew they needed more star power so they had guest/video appearances from Landon Donovan, Barry Obama and a bunch of other random people. In between those performances the U.S. decided that having 73-year old Morgan Freeman give a speech about soccer and the United States was a great idea. Have they heard JoePa speak recently? The U.S. representatives thought that since Morgan Freeman was in a movie about soccer, Invictus, and that he was black, he would be able to sway the committee.

The decision to let Morgan Freeman speak backfired and he proved something that everyone knows - old people are senile. During his speech he said, "You would see that in a country that admires individual achievement, we truly cherish what can be done when we come together as a group. And there is no stronger, more resolute supporter..." He then paused and said, "I'm sorry, I missed a page." Perfect. If the U.S. doesn't get the 2022 World Cup we all know who to blame...the democrats! How the hell do you miss an entire page? Oh well, as long as we have "hope" we should get the 2022 World Cup. The video is below and will start right before that part. Feel free to watch the entire 40 minutes, it is more entertaining than watching an actual soccer game.

The U.S. is competing with 4 other countries for the 2022 World Cup: Australia, South Korea, Qatar and Japan. Australia used Hugh Jackman to try to sway the committee so at the very least we can take out of this that we are competing with 3 other countries.

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