Thursday, December 9, 2010

Is This The Most Dangerous Face In America?

A 6-year-old girl shot and killed her first deer on the opening day of deer hunting season in Indiana. Grace Peregrine Zerbel loves princesses and the color pink. But she also enjoys hunting with her dad."Daddy took me turkey hunting and he got a turkey and he called it mine, but this is really mine because I shot it," Grace said. "He shot the turkey. I shot the deer."Her father, Tim Zerbel, said he has to hold the gun for Grace because she's so small "but she kind of sights down it and then when it's ready we check and double check and pull that trigger."Grace bagged a six-point buck on opening day.

You can't trust a broad named Grace. That's a fact of life for you younger kids out there. It's too sweet sounding of a name for a human to live up to. Trying to be the good girl gets to them at a young age. You tell me you know this great girl named Grace and I'll walk you out back to the dead 6 pound buck with a bullet in it's head from that little girl. I mean this shit didn't even phase her. She even tried to one-up her dad by saying he's the one who tagged the bitch ass turkey but she's feeding the fam tonight with her deer.Now here's the law scenario for your ass. This duo is hunting and they accidentally shoot a fellow hunter. Is the father charged with murder for holding the gun or is it little Grace for pulling the trigger? There's gotta be a Law and Order episode on that.

P.S. Way to match your hair elastics. Might be a great hunter but she wears clothes like a fucking dickhead.

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