Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fuck This Game.

I think I like the idea of it more than I actually like it. Just like the actual game of golf. It's great when you're playing your dick off but then you get a bogey on the 10th hole and your confidence starts to slip. So then what happens? Maybe you par #11. All seems well but you're still kicking yourself for letting Rory and Tiger back in the game with that bogey. And then the competition gets a birdie here and there and you're still playing even par golf. You tell yourself you gotta come up with a big shot on #16. An eagle or birdie to make the girls pass out in their seats. So you start pressing. Why hit a draw around the tree when you can take out the driver and fucking hit over and cut out about 50 yards? Because you can't. That's why. But do you think that at the time? Fuck no. You go by the name "Sweetness" and you just wanna win the US Open to win 1,000 XP points to add to your golfer's skill set. That's me right now. I'm a fucking mess over a dumb fucking video game. It's actually a great a video game but right now it's a piece of shot. I hope it gets banged with an AIDS dick.

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